After the day in Toronto as tourists, we did the same in Montreal, although we scaled back a bit. We drove to the waterfront to park, and then walked around the area known as Vieux-Montreal, or Old Montreal to us foreigners. We wandered up and down the narrow, brick paved streets and saw lots of 100 to 300 year old buildings including the Notre Dame Bascilica and Chateau-Ramezay, the latter having been a museum since 1895. Many of the old buildings now housed shops and restaurants on the ground level and apartments above. We toured the museum and experienced a historical journey from the days of the Iroquois longhouses to the present. Much was presented on the evolution of the bicycle, probably because the city emphasiszes using bikes for transportation (there are rent-a-bike stands around town).
We had a very pleasant and delicious lunch at an open air restaurant on Place Jacques-Cartier. Even in nice restaurants, frittes, or french fries as we call them, are served with many entrees. I had them with some sausages with mustard sauce and salad. Super.
Light rain was intermittent throughout the day, and wanting to avoid the forecasted heavier rain and afternoon traffic, we left downtown about 2:30. We saw a Costco yesterday, so we decided to go see how they compare to ours. Gretchen took us to one about a mile from our freeway. The store was very similar to ours. There were some differences in meat selection, breads, and dairy. The big surprise was the small wine selection and lack of french wines. We bought a roasted chicken, baguettes, and a bottle of wine for dinner.
We look forward to being back on US soil tomorrow and having cell service.