Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 14, September 27, 2009 - 370 miles

This marks the end of our second week. Boy, does time fly when you are having fun.

Today was not our best day, however. We got an early start, heading out after a night of fairly heavy rain. Fortunately, it let up while we were preparing t get underway so I did not get wet while hooking up the trailer, putting the power cord and hose away, etc. We experienced rain off and on for most of the trip to Montreal, but it was mostly light. The trip was mostly uneventful although here in Montreal area, we experienced some of the roughest roads I have ever driven on. We went through a section of undulating surface that caused much of the stuff on shelves to wind up on the floor. Fortunately, nothing broke. We also had a near miss when traffic came to a quick stop and I didn't.

The only close-in RV Park I could find is a KOA in St. Philippe just off highway 15 south of the city. We got here about 3:00 and used the afternoon to do laundry and rest. We had leftovers from Frankenmuth for dinner. We decided to watch some TV, but only found one English speaking station with good reception. We watched a movie instead, having to pump up the audio to hear the movie over the rain on the roof. The 5-day forecast calls for more rain in this area and New England. We can deal with rain, but it does mute the autumn colors which are coming on strong along the St. Lawrence River valley.

Trying to follow the Quebec signs was a challenge as they are all in French, not bi-lingual as in Ontario. I thank Gretchen for getting us here even though here French is atrocious. For tomorrow, we will ask her to help us get to where we choose to go and back tomorrow.

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