Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 56, Sunday, November 08, 2009 – 286 miles

We got another early start on our way to Tucson. It was cool, about 42, when we started, but the bright sunshine had us pushing the air conditioning button in a bit over an hour. The drive was uneventful except for one event. The border patrol set up a road block to hunt for illegal aliens and drugs. While we were in line, we noticed two people in a small blue Mercedes in front of us moving stuff around in their car and swerving to look at the inspectors. At one time, I thought they were going to jump out of line and get back on the freeway. When they were next in line after a semi, the passenger door opened a little bit and something wrapped in white tissue hit the ground. One agent had a drug sniffing dog, and apparently the dog smelled the drugs in the car and alerted the agent. We called the agent over and told them of the drop we saw. He said he knew, but asked how far back so he could retrieve it. We were waved through and made quick time to Tucson.
We considered parking in Brad and Trish's driveway, but after 3 nights dry camping, we needed to empty tanks and opted to stay in an RV park about 10 minutes away.
We arrive at the Hawarny's about 2:00 and spent an enjoyable afternoon just watching a little football and relaxing in the patio. Tomorrow morning, we plan to go to the Arizona Sedona Desert Museum just west of town. We plan to get back to Brad and Trish's by early afternoon to visit, do some laundry, and catch up on the blog.

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