Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 64, Monday, November 16, 2009 – 141 miles

The day began by visiting with Ron before he had to leave for work. He normally leaves about 7 on Mondays, but didn't get gone until after 8.
After he left, I began the unpleasant task of cleaning out the waste tanks on the trailer. It is convenient to have a hose and drain available (I won't go into details on what was involved). It was windy and rainy, making it even less enjoyable.
We got underway about 9:15. We ate some breakfast, bought gas, then found I5 for the trip through Tacoma and Seattle on the way to W20West north of Everette. We arrived at her home in Oak Harbor about 1:30. The weather was intermittent rain and wind, some heavy. We will check the weather forecasts in the morning. If Stevens Pass is snowy, we will take I90 and go over Snoqualmie Pass which is 1000' lower. It will be an extra 40 miles.
We spent the afternoon relaxing and visiting. Marian made a great beef stew and salad for dinner, and pumpkin pie will be desert a little later.
The truck and trailer are parked out in the culdesac. I was going to finish winterizing, but will wait until we get home. We leave for home in the morning.
We will be posting on the trip home tomorrow or Wednesday. Both Laurel and I plan to post our thoughts on the trip in the next few days, so stand by.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantasic trip! And thanks for posting, so that we all could live vicariously through you. I think you should make this blog into a keepsake book - it was so well-written, and will definitely be a treasure for the future. Check out - it's easy! You can add all the additional pictures I know you took as well ;)
